Edith Cooper Highlights Culture and Advice to Jobseekers

In an interview with LinkedIn, Global Head of Human Capital Management Edith Cooper highlights company culture as the key to innovation and her top advice for getting a job at Goldman Sachs. The interview was published alongside the company’s list of most attractive employers in the US, which ranked Goldman Sachs at #27.

Edith pinpoints how the firm is able to evolve amid a constantly changing landscape. "The power of Goldman is our ability to connect the dots between all of the different businesses that are important from a client’s perspective. Our clients want us to be global; they want us to be involved in all aspects of financial services, but most importantly, we have to stay attuned to delivering information and solving problems leveraging technology," she said. "The way that we do that goes back to our culture."

She also shares advice for jobseekers looking to join the firm: "Do the homework as to why you really want to do the job. What do you enjoy doing? What's an environment where you thrive? What are the particulars of your experiences that you’re most proud of?"

Watch part 1 of the interview on company culture and its evolution at Goldman Sachs.

Watch part 2 of Edith’s interview on advice to jobseekers interested in working at the firm.